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Innovation Takes Center Stage: Advanced Solutions Life Sciences at SLAS 2023

The field of life sciences is advancing at a breakneck pace, and innovation is the driving force behind it all. At the forefront of this effort is Advanced Solutions Life Sciences (ASLS), a company dedicated to the discovery, design, and development of integrated software, hardware, and biological solutions. With its focus on integrating engineering and biology, ASLS is pushing the boundaries of what is possible in biomedical and biotechnology.

What better platform for ASLS to showcase its cutting-edge technology than the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) 2023 conference. The conference is a gathering of the brightest minds in the field of laboratory automation, bringing together academic, industry, and government researchers, as well as developers and providers of technology and tools. SLAS provides a unique opportunity for ASLS to demonstrate its patented BioAssemblyBot 3D Biofabrication Technology Platforms, TSIM Software, and VIPM.

At the heart of ASLS's technology is the BioAssemblyBot, a highly sophisticated and agile robotic platform designed to revolutionize the world of biofabrication. With its ability to assemble biological structures with speed, precision, and cost-effectiveness, the BioAssemblyBot is set to shape the future of personalized medicine, cancer research, high-throughput assays, and regenerative therapeutics. ASLS's technology is already being used by some of the world's top global healthcare brands, and its products are UL cGMP certified, ensuring safety and quality.

Visitors to the ASLS booth (#604 in the exhibition) at SLAS 2023 will have the chance to see the BioAssemblyBot in action and learn about the company's latest advancements in the field of biofabrication. In addition to showcasing its technology, ASLS will also be represented by Dr. Jay Hoying, the Chief Scientist of Advanced Solutions Life Sciences (ASLS). Dr. Hoying will be presenting on the topic of Automation of Complex Organoid Culture and Assay Workflows. This presentation is a rare opportunity for attendees to gain insights into the innovative work being done by ASLS in the field of biofabrication.

SLAS 2023

San Diego, CA, USA

February 25 - March 1, 2023

Advanced Solutions Life Sciences Exhibition

Exhibition Hall (Booth #604)

Sunday, February 26 from 4 PM to 7 PM

Monday, February 27 from 10 AM to 6 PM

Tuesday, February 28 from 10 AM to 6 PM

Dr. Jay Hoying Presentation

Poster Theater (#555 in Exhibition)

Tuesday, February 28 from 1:40 PM - 1:50 PM


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