Vasculatures provide the necessary biological components important in tissue health and disease.
Angiomics Microvessels retain the native vascular cell makeup and structure to reconstitute complete in vivo-like human vasculatures. The only vascularized tissue solution capable of angiogenesis, remodeling, and adaptation to form perfusable organotypic vasculatures.

Unlock new frontiers with the Angiomics Vascularized In vitro Perfusion Module.
Utilize the world's only in-vitro perfused, bona fide human microvasculature. VIPM's patented technology platform establishes hemodynamic conditions through microfluidics for a functional human microcirculation that supports human 3D tissue physiology. For example, interrogate perfused vascularized tumor models using tumor spheroids and patient explanted tumor fragments.
Better biology outcomes.
Angiomics Microvessels (haMVs) are a single source of all necessary vascular and perivascular cells to better capture native biology in your tissue models (including organoids, spheroids, advanced 3D tissue models, etc.). haMVs produce a variety of pro-tissue factors and serve as a depot of stromal cells, such as a tissue resident macrophage, that contribute to tissue health and improve parenchyma function.

Comprehensive vascular assays.
Identify novel druggable targets and better predict drug efficacies with the complex native vascular biology of the Angiomics Microvessels.

Ready to get started?
Connect with an Vascularization expert:
Angiomics Human Adipose Microvessels by Advanced Solutions are for RESEARCH USE ONLY and not for use in humans under any circumstances. Advanced Solutions Life Sciences, LLC. and Advanced Solutions, Inc. are not responsible or liable for how this product is used. The RESEARCH USE ONLY limitation supersedes any written, oral, or implied understanding between the parties.

The BioAssemblyBot 400 is certified by UL in accordance with applicable safety requirements. The BioAssemblyBot 400 is certified by UL in accordance with applicable energy efficiency requirements.
The Advanced Solutions Louisville, KY facility has been audited by UL Registrar LLC and meets GMP requirements listed in RCP, NBCP, or Pharmaceutical Certification Schemes which is uniquely accredited by the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) developed in accordance with applicable sections of the FDA’s code of federal regulations.