Do more with BioAssemblyBot...
Do more 3D bioprinting
with BioAssemblyBot...
Do more organoids/spheroids
with BioAssemblyBot...
Do more advanced 3D tissue models
with BioAssemblyBot...
Do more vascularization
with BioAssemblyBot...
Do more heart recellularization
with BioAssemblyBot...
Do more hsingle cell dispense
with BioAssemblyBot...

The patented, UL and cGMP certified, award-winning BioAssemblyBot platform is an intelligent agile robotic system used to build and assemble biological structures. More than a 3D printer, BAB, as we call her, leverages over 60 years of industrial robotic innovation to bring speed, quality, high precision and low cost manufacturing to the task of building tissues and organs.

Trusted by drug discoverers, tissue engineers, device developers, and researchers.

What are your bioassembly needs?
Our biofabrication experts are ready to talk to you.

The BioAssemblyBot 400 is certified by UL in accordance with applicable safety requirements. The BioAssemblyBot 400 is certified by UL in accordance with applicable energy efficiency requirements.
The Advanced Solutions Louisville, KY facility has been audited by UL Registrar LLC and meets GMP requirements listed in RCP, NBCP, or Pharmaceutical Certification Schemes which is uniquely accredited by the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) developed in accordance with applicable sections of the FDA’s code of federal regulations.